Following reconstitution on 20 March 2015, The Weald School's governing body comprises 20 governors, made up from the following categories of governor:
LA (Local Authority) governors | (1 maximum) appointed by West Sussex County Council |
Parent Governors | (6 maximum) elected by parents of students at the school |
Co-opted Governors | (11 maximum) appointed by the governing body |
Staff Governors | (1 maximum) elected by the staff at the school |
Headteacher | (1) |
Further detailed Governor information is available on the separate document at the foot of this web page
Governor Type: | Name: | Term of Office Ends: |
Chair Vice Chair |
Mrs Nicola Waters (Chair) Mrs Rachel Terry |
21 March 2027 16 March 2026 |
Headteacher | Mrs Sarah Edwards | |
Parent Governors: |
Mr Keef Sloan Dr Stephanie Tempest Mr Jon Williamson Mr Alex Nicholson |
29 February 2028 30 April 2027 10 November 2028 10 November 2028 |
Staff Governors: | Ms Jemma Rigby | 21 November 2025 |
Co-opted Governors: |
Mrs Nicola Waters (Chair) Mrs Rachel Terry (Vice-Chair) Mr Tim Puddefoot Mrs Alice Lerche
Miss Sophia Goodway Mr Steve Earl Mr James Bartlett Mrs Abi Smith |
21 March 2027 16 March 2026 16 March 2026 21 March 2027
21 March 2027 21 March 2027 21 March 2027 15 July 2028 4 September 2028 |
LA Governor: | Mr Chris Hawley | 09 July 2027 |
Associate Member:
Clerk | Mr Malcolm Robinson: |
Governors with specific roles/interests:
Link Governor (training) | Clerk |
SEND | Chris Hawley / Rachel Terry |
Pupil Premium | Keef Sloan |
Careers | Dr Stephanie Tempest / Sophia Goodway |
Safeguarding | Steve Earl / Jemma Rigby |
Health and Safety | Tim Jordan |
Equalities | Tim Puddefoot |
Governors are lead Governors for different subject areas in the school in order to forge better links and increase understanding of their roles and responsibilities.
Committee Structure and Meetings
The full governing body meets four times a year, with additional meetings convened as necessary. Governing body business is also dealt with by their three committees, as follows:
Resources Committee
This committee considers at all matters relating to premises, buildings and finance, and school policies relating to these.
Teaching and Learning Committee
This committee looks at all matters relating to the school curriculum, teaching and learning, and aspects of personnel, and school policies relating to these.
Pastoral Committee
This committee considers student support and welfare and school policies relating to these.
Committees report back to the termly full governing body meetings.
Additional information for school governors may be obtained from the Governors’ pages on the West Sussex County Council website