Sports Relief
Sports Relief is coming to The Weald on Friday 18 March. We’ve got a fun filled and action packed day planned for both students and staff and will be fundraising in the following ways.
Sports Relief is coming to The Weald on Friday 18 March. We’ve got a fun filled and action packed day planned for both students and staff and will be fundraising in the following ways:
Non-uniform day - students can pay £1 to their form tutors to come into school in non-uniform. The theme for the day is famous sporting idols and we know lots of pupils are planning to come to school dressed as their favourite sports personalities. We would ask that all pupils come appropriately dressed either as a personality or in some form of sporting attire. School PE kit is perfectly acceptable. No casual clothing (for example jeans) will be allowed.
Mileathon - throughout the day all students will be allocated a time where they can either walk or run a mile. Sponsorship forms have been handed out to all pupils. In order to minimise disruption to lessons we stagger this event throughout the day and it will take place on the school astroturf.
We’re looking forward to a thoroughly enjoyable day and pulling together as a school to raise lots of money for a very worthwhile cause. For more details visit