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Headteacher's Latest Update

Friday 7 February 2025


Please click here to view this week's video message.

Friday 7 February 2025


Children's Mental Health Week - Lots of activities for students all week in form time and an assembly this morning, plus a video on social media by Mr Healy on this important topic.
Enrichment Day 2 - Thank you for all your responses, all trips are now full, confirmation of allocated places via ParentPay next Wednesday (payments due on Monday 24 February please).
Year 11 Reward Cards - Congratulations to the many students who have completed a card already and received a prize - keep going, Year 11!.
Year 13 Mocks - Well done to all students for their efforts in exams this week, and thank you to everyone else in our community for staying away from exam venues to maintain quiet for candidates.
Year 8 SEND Coffee Morning - Thank you to parents/carers for joining Mrs Reid and the Inclusion Team on Wednesday morning; more of these events to follow.
Ski Trip Information Evening - Thank you to parents/carers for joining Mr Mowforth and other staff for this meeting yesterday (contact the office if you need any info).
Joint School Council Meeting - Well done to our Weald students who represented our school at a Horsham area meeting with students from all other schools.
Commonwealth Day Service Trip to Westminster Abbey - Thank you to the over 250 students who applied, and apologies to the great many who aren't able to come (only 8 places available!).


Year 11 and 13 Mock Exams - Good luck to students for next week.
Year 8 Options Evening - For all parents/carers of Year 8 students, Thursday 13 February at 5.00pm.
Half Term Break - Starts next Friday 14 February at 3.05pm, return to school on Monday 24 February which will be a Week B.
MCAS Student Details - Please check on the MCAS app that your and your child(ren)'s details are correct.
From the Chair of Governors:
Please see the information below from The Governance Team at West Sussex:

Governor recruitment information session.

Tuesday 11 February 6.15pm – 9.15pm

The governance team has organised an information session to raise awareness of the role of school governor. We are holding this event for people who may be interested in becoming school governors and to help schools in their recruitment to vacancies. This has been advertised via the WSCC residents newsletter, as well as WSCC social media outlets. It is hoped that anyone interested in school governance will take the opportunity to find out more. If you currently have vacancies on your governing board you may like to advertise this session to your school and local community. Even if you currently have a full board, raising awareness of the role of school governor will hopefully encourage interest in future vacancies or may help other schools across the county.

This session has been organised through Eventbrite. The link to information and booking is below.

Best wishes to all,

Mrs Sarah Edwards 