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Headteacher's Latest Update

Friday 19 July 2024

Please click here to view this week's video message.



Year 9 Poetry By Heart - Well done to students for their excellent performances on Friday and Monday.


-Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh - Thank you to students and their parents/carers for joining us on Tuesday evening for the introduction presentation.


Sports Day - Thank you for your forbearance with the delay for Sports Day and we hope students enjoyed the day.  Well done to all for fantastic individual and team performances.


- Battle Of The Bands - Year 7 performances this afternoon. 


- House Cup Winners for 2023-24 are THOMPSON!  Congratulations - We hope students (and staff!) enjoy their morning of celebration on Monday!  Students in Thompson House should come to school in their PE kit, please.



Last day of term:

    - Form time and periods 1 and 2 as normal

    - Attenborough, Blackman and Da Vinci houses to the sports hall for  final assembly after break; Mercury, Seacole and Thompson houses go to their form rooms for an end of year party.

    - Houses swap over after a short lunch break

    - Students dismissed at 1.20pm, buses leave at 1.30pm


- Start of new term:

    - Monday 2 September - INSET day

   - Tuesday 3 September - Year 7 only, starting with Family Breakfast              from 8.05am, plus Year 12 for enrolment

    - Wednesday 4 September - Years 8 to 11 and 13 return to school

    - Thursday 5 September - Year 12 start


Wishing you all a very enjoyable summer and thank you for all your support this year.

Mrs Sarah Edwards 
