Project Qualifications
Curriculum Intent Statement
The Projects Qualification at all three levels aims to teach students the skills required to research and write about a topic of their choice, whilst developing their independence in academic enquiry as well as developing their confidence in approaching an extended piece of work.
At Levels 1 and 2, students complete this qualification as a super-curricular course, and at Level 3, students complete this qualification as part of their Sixth Form programme.
All three levels commence with the exploration of ‘big questions’ to develop the idea of big thinking. Once students have identified an area of focus, they are given guidance on the key objectives of planning, researching, developing and evaluating. At Levels 1 and 2 for 2021-22, as this is the inaugural year, the development phase consists of a dissertation, however for 2023-34 the intention is to give Level 2 students the opportunity to choose between a dissertation or an artefact, as some of these students will have completed a dissertation at Level 1. At Level 3, students are able to choose between a dissertation, investigation, performance or artefact, in order to best meet their individual aims. At all stages, students are given structured guidance materials, however once the initial guidance is delivered to the whole class, the onus is on the student to structure their time in order to meet extended deadlines.
Our aim is to develop students who have the skills to not only cope with highly academic work for the next stage in their education or career, but also to develop students who are able to independently reflect on their own performance, and make adjustments accordingly.
Course Content