Religious Studies
Curriculum Intent Statement
The intention of our curriculum is to encourage students to be critical but positive and contributing members of society, developing an understanding of those who hold different beliefs to them and the value of these beliefs, to both the believer and wider society, in order to help them reflect on their own identity, ethos and character (beliefs and morals). This links to the concepts of respect and tolerance; key British values. Central to this is understanding the links between different beliefs, links between beliefs and practices and the variety within or between religious traditions. Skills required to communicate this learning would ideally involve using key vocabulary to accurately explain concepts and evaluate their value.
Key Stage 3 Course Information
In Key Stage 3 Religious Studies we take a Mastery approach to teaching, learning and assessment. In order to ensure that our students are ‘ready to progress’ to Key Stage 4 courses, we have produced a statement highlighting what students need to know, remember and be able to do to have 'mastered' the subject. It is against these that we assess. In students’ books and in their work we would expect to see evidence of revisiting concepts and content and students reflecting on their work and feedback from teachers. We would also expect to see evidence of the content and concepts students need to know - these will often be in the format of a knowledge organiser. This will be backed up with evidence of 'low stakes' testing so students can measure their own progress.
See our Curriculum map for further details on the content of the key Stage 3 course, which includes links to knowledge organisers. Here is the link to the ‘Ready to progress’ criteria.
Key Stage 4 Course Information
Key Stage 5 Course Information