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School Communications

At The Weald, we use a communications system called BromCom which enables us to send letters and messages directly to parents via email and in some cases, text.

All letters that are sent home to whole year groups or the whole school are uploaded to our website under Parents/Letters Home.

How do I ensure I receive school communications?

All contacts who have parental responsibility and an email address (as provided on your data collection sheet) will be sent school communications. If you have parental responsibility but would NOT like to receive communications via email, please email to inform us.

To make sure our records are up to date, please ensure that you provide the school with an email address that is regularly monitored, as well as your mobile number.

Our school messages will show as coming from The Weald School. Please make sure you check your spam/junk folder regularly just in case messages go there. If this is the case, please add our email address,, to your email address book (or approved sender list) in order to prevent future messages being blocked by your spam/junk filters.

If you have any problems receiving email communication from us or require further information, please email

It is also possible to update your contact information via Talaxy. Guidance can be found on our website under Parents/Parental Guidance/Talaxy.

What if I don’t use email or have internet access?

If there is no email communication method for parents, the student will be put onto the paper copy list for communications. Letters are given to form tutors to distribute to those students to take home.

If you think that your child is not bringing letters home, please contact the school so we can post letters home instead.

Social Media

In addition to our email communications, we also communicate to parents, students and the local community via social media.

Through the use of social media, we aim to provide a flavour of school life, including reminders of events, news, important information and photos/videos of activities in and out of school.

Currently, we have Facebook and Instagram pages that have information on school events, news and activities. 

In addition, we have several Twitter pages:
@TheWeald - Our main page with general school news and information
@WealdTrips - Our trips page with news and information about school trips
@PEweald - Our PE page with news on sporting activities/fixtures
@wealdcareers - Our Careers and Work Experience page with information for students on future choices, WEX and careers

There is no obligation to follow or like our social media pages but if you would like to, please follow the links given above for each page.