Teacher Training Hub
Inspiring Future Teachers (IFT) have launched a brand-new centralised teacher training hub for Sussex based at Tanbridge House School in Horsham, West Sussex.
The Tanbridge Teacher Training Hub (TTTH) will work in partnership with schools across the area, including The Weald in order to deliver exceptional training.
Experiences for those looking to get into teaching via a school-based training and education route.
Training and recruiting teachers through this programme will allow the partnership of schools to "grow their own" and aims to offer successful candidates a long-term career pathway.
Come and join us at our information evening on Thursday 4 January 2024, 4.30-6.30pm at Oathall Community College, Haywards Heath RH16 2AQ.
Please email us on teachertraining@ths.uk.net to book a space.
Rebecca Harry, the Tanbridge SCITT hub lead, said:
“This is a truly exciting development, not only for Tanbridge House School, but for all our partner schools in the region. For anyone considering a career in teaching, this new partnership with schools in the area means that trainees can be placed in a school best suited to them in a convenient location for them too.”
All trainees on the programme will spend one day a week at Tanbridge House School, in addition to the four days they will be with their host school, to study a carefully mapped out curriculum that supports the hands-on training and prepares them for life as a teacher.
To find out more about Tanbridge Teacher Training, please visit the IFT website:
https://www.inspiringfutureteachers.org/tanbridge or register for Tanbridge House School's informal information morning on 9 November (9.30 - 11.30am). Further events, including those outside of working hours, will also be arranged in due course.
Applications for the programme open on 10 October 2023: https://www.gov.uk/apply-for-teacher-training