Travel & Tourism
Curriculum Intent Statement
Both vocational qualifications in Travel and Tourism are aimed at students considering going on to employment in the travel and tourism industry, often via the stepping stone of higher education.
The Travel and Tourism industry provides many opportunities, locally, nationally and internationally in jobs with transferable skills in a multitude of roles - from customer facing to managerial. A career in tourism can open huge possibilities. It’s practical, relevant and enjoyable. Our students are located near multiple travel and tourism providers - at Gatwick and Portsmouth for travel and along the coast, in the South Downs National Park and in Chichester for tourism.
Students will gain an understanding of the component parts of the travel and tourism industry. In both the KS4 and KS5 courses they will learn to evaluate different scenarios and work out appropriate solutions. They will learn to research a number of possible solutions before evaluating the best one, they will learn to work autonomously and to demonstrate their understanding in a number of formats - traditional exams, presentations, supervised pre-release based assessments and in the extensive assignment briefs.
The breadth of the courses - between them they cover everything from regulatory frameworks to differing streams of finance - will also help students in numerous other business roles if they feel that the travel and tourism industry ultimately may not be for them.
Course Information